The Fireside chat was such an inspiring experience. It was really eye-opening to hear what our class had to share. When I read through the assignment, I thought we would end up hearing a lot of the same stuff we are used to hearing at church and in Sunday School. Being at BYU, we all have very similar beliefs for the most part. But as we listened to each of the presentations, I was excited to hear some really cool and unique ideas. My presentation about happiness was pretty simple. Plain happiness. It was interesting how there were a couple others who had similar beliefs to mine. Kelton's song about being happy as you sing a song was one of those.
When I planned out my presentation, I planned on just expressing by feelings about happiness. Where it comes from and how I believe happiness is gained and lost. The morning of the fireside chat, I woke up thinking 'tonight I am giving a presentation on happiness, so I better be happy!' I listened to the song 'Happy' a cover of Pharrell Williams by BYU Vocal Point and it definitely started the day off on a happy note. Throughout the day, I found myself looking for things to do that I knew would make me happy. I helped people with anything I could. I texted my mom just because. I did all kinds of little things. Throughout the day, as I was doing these things, the more I learned that the happiness I was experiencing was so tangible and so available for me to create for myself. I got to thinking. Why don't I do this everyday?
So my presentation changed a little bit and I decided to emphasize on that. I also realize that there are very serious and very real conditions that make it really difficult to be happy. For those people, I hope they can recover. Depression and other emotional disorders are definitely real.
The song is by Vocal Point and the writing on the board thing I did kind of reminds me of their Brave music video. I decided to use their version instead of the Pharrell Williams version because I know a lot of those guys personally and they are super happy, good guys.
Thanks to everyone for an awesome semester!
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